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Allergic Disorder

Allergy is a worldwide health problem with its manifestations ranging from simple sneezing to severe anaphylactic reactions. Constitutional treatment reduces the abnormal sensitivity of the system and thereby completely cures the manifestations of allergy. Cure of allergy is one of the masterpieces of homeopathy.

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Skin Diseases

Skin lesions are not always single entities. It has relations with the organism as a whore. Local applications sometimes pailiate the region but not cures. The exact cure of a skin lesion occurs by proper internal medication, selected by the case taking.

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This is a paroxysmal disorder with headache, often unilateral at the onset, associated with nausea, anorexia, and vomiting; it is preceded or accompanied by visual, sensory-motor, or mood disturbances and is often familiar. Usually, constitutional treatment in proper dose and potency is required for a complete cure.

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Lack of Immunity in Children

Many children are constant patients. They may suffer from many diseases extending from simple cold and coryza to pneumonia-like diseases. They catch diseases frequently and lose the class days. They develop a type of depression from the restrictions they get from their diseases. Here the problem is lack of immunity.

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What need to be treated in sinusitis is not only the acute infection or inflammation, but also the inherent tendency to have sinusitis repeatedly. lndividual tendency to frequent upper respiratory infection or sinusitis can best be treated with homeopathic approach . Recurring sinusitis finds wonderful treatment with homeopathy.

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Thyroid Complaints

Patients presenting with disorders of the thyroid may present with symptoms, which relate to hyperthyroidism, to enlargement of the gland. A careful history and physical examination allow assessment both of the functional state of the gland and its size, consistency, position, and relationship to adjacent structures.

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Prostate Enlargement

Benign prostatic hypotrophy is a common complaint among elderly male people above 50. It is also rarely seen in youth. Common symptoms are decreased force and caliber of urine flow, intermittent stream, hesitancy, nocturia, urgency. Homeopathy has good specific remedies to reduce the size of the hypertrophied organ.

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Fibroids in Uterus and Ovary

Fibroids are benign tumors and surgery is indicated in very few cases where the tumor is life-threatening to the patient or it causes major health hazards. But now in our society removal of the uterus is very frequent due to fibroids - The size of the tumor and breeding canoe easily controlled by homeopathic treatment.